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Daily Archives: December 28, 2024

Why Is My hair loss?

Why Is My hair loss?

What causes a lot of hair loss? Every day, we lose about 50-100 strands of hair . But because we have 100,000 strands of hair on our head, even a small loss is not noticeable. In addition, new hair will grow to replace the lost hair according

Coffee vs. Tea: Is One Healthier Than the Other?

Coffee vs. Tea: Is One Healthier Than the Other?

Tea vs. Coffee Another universal question is that beverages such as tea and coffee are popular beverages that people all over the world love. But for health-conscious people, โปรโมชั่น ufabet which beverage is a better choice? Today, Sanook Men has the answer. Tea VS Coffee,

Colostrum, colostrum to prevent influenza

Colostrum, colostrum to prevent influenza

Colostrum, colostrum to prevent influenza A retrospective analysis of data reporte in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2023 of ยูฟ่าเบท patients admitted to non-deployed U.S. Veterans Administration military hospitals during the fall and winter of 2022 and 2023. It was found that

Can green tea really help you lose weight?

Can green tea really help you lose weight? 

Green tea has been a popular drink for a long time. Not only does it taste delicious, but it is also rich in nutrients that are beneficial to health. ทางเข้า ufabet One of them is its ability to help with weight loss. Is this

6 drinks that help with bowel movements

6 drinks that help with bowel movements

Everyone needs to have a bowel movement! But if your regular routine involves fewer than three bowel movements a week, chances are you’re not feeling well. The discomfort caused by constipation can leave you feeling depressed, bloated, and gassy, สมัคร ufabet ​​which can impact your